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week 7 Design patterns completed

Kakharov Zhanibek requested to merge week_7_Design_Patterns into main
  1. Imagine this case. Let's say we have a pizzeria that cooks different types of pizzas with different additives. There is Italian, Bulgarian pizza. To them can be added tomatoes, cheese, etc., and depending on the type of pizza and combinations of additives, pizza can have a different cost. Try to implement it using the Decorator pattern.
  2. Imagine this case. The system for creating software products includes a number of actors: customers, programmers, testers and etc. But often all these actors interact with each other not directly, but indirectly through the project manager. That is, the project manager acts as a mediator. Try to implement it using the Mediator pattern.
  3. Imagine this case. On each computer, you can only run one operating system at a time. Try to implement it using the Singleton pattern.

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